Prostate care medicines in Accra can be gotten from us. Place your order via Whatsapp on: 0243940491 / 0554329863 / 0599381112.
Eat tomatoes and other red foods like Water Melon. They owe their red color to lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Nutrients and vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of getting prostate cancer.
Include green tea and soybeans in your diet.
Consider prostate screening on yearly basis after age 40.
If there are no signs of prostate cancer after first prostate screening, screening can be done every other year as a preventive measure.
Medicines like Prostacure tea, Prostacare caps., Prostavit and Pros Luv are good for the prostate. Place your order via Whatsapp on: 0243940491 / 0554329863 / 0599381112.
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